We can help you have a positive relationship with food and your body. 

Eating Disorder Treatment

You hate what you see in the mirror. You feel overwhelmed by food choices. You negotiate every bite. You are drowning in thoughts about food and your body. You want to stop using so much of your brain space thinking about your weight. We can help. 

Tell me about your worst eating disorder day. Maybe you didn’t eat at all. Maybe a binge left you in physical pain. Maybe you had to spend so much time compensating for what you ate that you missed out on time with friends. Or maybe that you felt so ashamed by how you looked that you didn’t go to a special event. You don’t have to do life this way. Therapy at The Current can help. We can help you gain control over your thoughts and behaviors surrounding food. We can help you stop using food to cope with painful emotions. 

We know that eating disorders are often rooted in trauma. They are the tip of a deep iceberg. They were developed as a way to cope with painful experiences. And then they spiral out of control. Eating disorders have a way of taking over a person. They can distort our thoughts and our images. They can make you feel like you have no power, yet powerful all at the same time. Eating disorders are complex and require a specialized treatment team. 

At The Current, you receive this specialized treatment. Your therapist will work closely with your dietician, medical doctor, and/or psychiatrist to ensure that you have all the pieces you need for sustainable recovery. Depending on your unique needs, we use a combination of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), Radically Open DBT (RO-DBT), and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) to help you recover from the eating disorder. A combination of these evidence-based therapies help you to challenge eating distorted thoughts, follow your customized meal plan, and improve your body image. Once we gain control over eating disorder thoughts and behaviors, we can dive a bit deeper and start chipping away at that iceberg under the surface of the eating disorder. This will lead you to sustainable recovery.  

You are not alone in this battle raging in your head. We can work together, and with your team, to develop concrete skills that help you connect with and regulate your emotions that drive eating disorder thoughts and behaviors. We can work together to build trust and confidence in your body, your values, and your mind. You will find and engage in your life worth living again.

Group Support

You are not alone! Group support can be so beneficial in recovery. Sharing challenges in a safe and supportive space can be so healing and aid in sustainable recovery. Group members have the opportunity to learn from each other and provide each other with the validation that is often missing in their personal lives. Currently we offer two groups, Meal Therapy Support and Embodiment Group, to meet this need. Head on over to our Group Therapy page to learn more!